Sunday, March 25, 2012

Having Trouble Going to Bed

Pretty much two years in the making (for me) is finally going to happen tomorrow. Many years in the making for mom. I know I need to go to bed, but I can't. I found myself tidying (?) up loose ends around the house and making sure that no one else has to take care of those extras while i'm on bed rest. Plus if i stay up late tonight..i'll most likely sleep more on the couch. Which i can ; )
I really hope to catch up on my DVR as well.

I will give details about how things went as soon as I am home and situated. Til then..sticky thoughts!!


  1. Good luck, Mandy! Sending lots of sticky thoughts your way!

    Yeah, you totally don't need sleep tonight. That's your job for the next few days! ;-)

  2. Pre-transfer sleep is over-rated! LOL I was miserably tired, but I also had to get up at like 4am to get to the airport and fly to California for mine. I was SOOOO nervous, but not about the transfer. I was nervous about being with the IP's (who speak very little English) and being away from my hubby and kids. You got this!

  3. How'd it go?! Those embies getting nice and cozy?

  4. Thanks girls! Updating now...
