Saturday, March 31, 2012

Found these

Looking through another surro sister's blog...her friend had made a page of Surrogacy tumblrs and here are the few i loved!

xtra large for a reason!


Which equals Big Fat Negative.

 Took a home pregnancy test and didn't get the news I wanted. However, this definately does not mean that this transfer has failed. It can take many days for an HPT to give a positive. This has not brought me down at all. We go Thursday for our bloodwork so we will know for sure then.

This doesn't mean I won't test again on my own before then ; )

I have been feeling really good for the most part. Today is the first day I actually felt like something is going on in there. Like a little cramp and almost like I will getting my period feeling. The past few days I had this crazy achiness in my back. This has since subsided for the most part and it can stay away as far as I'm concerned!

Mom checks on me everyday as does a few other people. My Mom, Becki, Landy, and of course Tim - love u guys to pieces!!! Thank you for continuosly asking me how I am, for your visits, cards, chocolate (especially the chocolate) and just to be there for me to talk to. I know there are other friends that check in on me as well and i appreciate you to!

I still talk to these 2 little embies (embryos) and tell them how much their mommy wants them to grow into something special and how we can't wait to meet them - i hope my talks are helping! Keep saying prayers for us...Come on Thursday!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Transfer Complete!

It was a great sum it all up. Mom met Tim and I at the office and they both were there for the whole thing. When the Dr said he was now transferring the embryos in through the cathetor, i started to cry and so did mom. Such a great moment. It was over before I knew it and then i basically had to lay upside down for a half an hour. We then left and it was off to the couch..well, not before going through the McDonalds breakfast drivethrough ;)

Tim has been amazing to me, which i knew he would. He's the best husband EVER!!! My mom has been just as great, helping out with the kids since Tim works third shift, and I even had calls and visits from friends that know about it. All of this is helping my time in bed go fast..although my goal is to NOT go fast because it is oh so nice. I almost feel like its not time to get up. Like i should stay laying a few more days just to be sure, but the doctor says after 24 hours it was ok to do so. So tonight i'm sitting up to type this and went outside a bit and sat with the kids. I'm heading back to work tomorrow. Next Thursday - April 5th, i go in for my pregnancy test. I'm sure sometime this weekend I will do an HPT (home preg test) because there is no way i can wait til then!

I feel almost too great. No cramping, no spotting, just that feeling that I know i have 2 little embies inside that i want to take great care of and give them a home for the next 9 months, so i walk slow and probably look like a little old lady!!

Here are some pics from our said it would be ok to post on my blog so here we go!! As you can see..i chose the comfy look ;)
P.S - they are from my cell phone because someone forgot the camera at home : x

after the transfer


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Having Trouble Going to Bed

Pretty much two years in the making (for me) is finally going to happen tomorrow. Many years in the making for mom. I know I need to go to bed, but I can't. I found myself tidying (?) up loose ends around the house and making sure that no one else has to take care of those extras while i'm on bed rest. Plus if i stay up late tonight..i'll most likely sleep more on the couch. Which i can ; )
I really hope to catch up on my DVR as well.

I will give details about how things went as soon as I am home and situated. Til then..sticky thoughts!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

All that, for nothing

I'm pretty sure most of this day zoomed by me while I was in deep thought about the starting of the Progesterone in Oil (PIO) injection tonight. You may be thinking.." You have been doing injections for weeks now, whats the big deal?"  Let me go ahead and fill you in. This needle is 10 inches longer and looks like the thickness of a toothpick! (ok, thats a little drastic) But its much bigger and scarier AND it goes in my upper butt area AND Tim has to give it to me, which mean I have no idea when its gonna hit. All of that, had me freaking!

So we got prepped...

While he was doing that..i was laying with my head in a pillow, numbing the spot with an ice pack.
Pretty much seconds later, it was over and i barely even felt it. I have read up on this injection and hear some stories about how sore the area becomes because of the repetitive puncture. We shall see how it goes. Tonight was my first, tomorrow i start 2 a day until I am 10 weeks pregnant.

Today was egg retrieval..however I haven't heard how they made out with that. I'm hoping mom does and lets me know tomorrow.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The date has.....changed again

This time..I'm really not that annoyed. Ok, well maybe a bit. I went in for my lining check Friday morning and then waited all day for the clinic to call. Finally they did around 3 and said basically that I'm ready and the egg donor is not. My head still hurts from banging it against the wall.
She said to continue the medicines exactly the same and they would call me on Monday.

Guess what today is...Monday!!

They called me around 3:30 and said that the eggs will be retrieved on Wednesday which leaves us with the transfer date of Monday - March 26th.

Now we pray for good little eggs and make this week go fast. I am so excited!!!

Maybe it's really the day plus of bed rest .. Hmmmmm  ; )

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

And we continue...

Lining is thickening as it's supposed now i started the patch. its an estrogen patch to help boost my lining along and also started estrace. A small blue pill that i take 2..3 times a day. All of this is getting me prepared for the big day. It is actually 2 1/2 weeks from today and when i think about it, i can hardly contain myself!  Mom sent me a message out of no where today telling me she loves me. How lucky am I to have found such a great IM????

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lining Check tomorrow

1 1/2 weeks into my Lupron Shots.

With this being the 3rd time i'm down this road, i've come to realize some of the side effects I get from Lupron. Not sure if anyone else does to. I consider myself a pretty boring person as far as health goes. I had 2 very easy, non issue pregnancies...i'm not allergic to anything...and I've never really had a side effects from any meds i've had to take. This stuff though..i havent been so lucky. Nothing too bad, but just kind of annoying. I wake up almost every day with a headache. And it's not a headache that is bad enough to take me down but it just lingers on ALL day. I also have been having crazy dreams. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking the craziest things are happening. Which in turn means i'm also waking up feeling like i'm in my first trimester of pregnancy, aka - hit by a mac truck. I also have 2 others that are kind of personal but for memories, im putting them out there. Gas and increased sexual desire. And of course - we are on a no sex clause now so too bad, soo sad in that department. Aren't you glad i shared that??

Tomorrow morning I go for my first lining check and blood work. We're hoping my lining is starting to thicken and we're still on target for March 24!

Look what has arrived.... (pretend the date of this post is 02-16-12)

Lupron shots start Thursday Feb 23!!!